Coffee & Cocoa

Once again our vast relationships within the Coffee and Cocoa producing nations is ingrained within our very fabric – to list all of the types and verities including rare organic ranges is endless, but it’s safe to say that we have extremely long standing relationships with some of the finest ‘brains’ within the industries and we are extremely confident that we have the ability to cater for all of your requirements.

more specifically East African coffees, produces some of the world’s most distinctive coffees characterised by vividly floral, fruit, and wine tones with rich acidity. Wet-processed coffees, such as the Ethiopian Yirgacheffe and Sidamo are cleanly floral and citrusy, while Kenyan coffees tend to be more wine-like. Rwandan coffee has a high acidity and full body. 

Coffees range from well-balanced, medium bodied coffees to bold, rich bodied coffees. The medium body and gentle acidity can be found in coffees from El Salvador. They are outstanding blending coffees due to their consistency in sweetness and balance. These qualities can be found in Mexican coffees, which are great dark roasted. The rich and full bodies can be found in the best Nicaraguan coffees (such as Matagalpa, Jinotega or Segovia) which also offer variety of fruit notes. The Costa Rican Strictly Hard Beans (SHB) has full body, and clean and bright acidity. The most distinguished regions are Tarrazu, Tres Rios, and West Valley. The Guatemalan coffees offer range of profiles from sweet to spicy and complex. The most celebrated regional mark is Antigua, which produces splendid coffees. Honduras coffees are low-key, full bodied and opulent.

Are last to start growing the coffee plant. The best coffees from Brazil are sweet, mild and medium-bodied, with very little acidity. They are very popular in espresso blends. Before 1900, Colombia didn’t grow coffee. By 1940, it competed with Brazil. The Colombian coffee usually originates with the National Federation of Colombian Coffee Growers, a nationwide growers’ cooperative. Colombian coffee tends to be well balanced in flavor, rich in acidity and full-bodied.

Such as Sumatra Lintong, share certain broad characteristics - heavy body, low-key acidity, and odd, unpredictable flavor notes ranging from strong mildew or mustiness to winey fruit or sweet pipe tobacco. Monsooned coffees, e.g. Monsooned Malabar and aged coffees e.g. Old Brown Java, display heavy body, sweet, with little acidity but with musty notes sometimes chocolate or malt character. Both are special tastes.